Holding Is more difficultà than buying,I was long tesla at 60$ and sold at 110 thinking I was a Genius..

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This article really resonated with me... I have small positions in these sub $1B companies: $WELL, $VCI, $SYZ, $PNG, $MI.UN, $IQ, $CTS, $HOM.UN, $GSI, $AEP, $LMN, $ADEN, $ISV and a more significant position in $BELFB. I know you've written extensively on $ISV... your deep dive was very validating for me.😆 Curious to hear your thoughts on any of the others... but no pressure!

Keep up the great work!

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Hi Austin. Good idea to move in to microcaps. I follow one of those called Intellicheck (IDN, 4% position for me). Happy to share my theses if you are interested.

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$SLP is a great microcap that I’ve held since 2017

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$Arbe I am watching if they will turn profitable their concept of light independent radar sounds interesting, lets see if it gets going...

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