Your emotions are killing your investment returns
Portfolio Value: $114,366. All-Time Performance: -$18,728
What’s up Austin, it’s investors here. If you want to join 106,200 (+ or - 100,000) smart investors and never miss an update on my portfolio or the markets, put your email in the little slot below. It only takes a second and is completely free.
This week was about what I expected. We lost $6,819 and gave back some of last week’s gains. Oh well. That’s how investing works.
This tweet from my friend
(go subscribe!!) describes what is called “The Behavior Gap” which is the difference between investment returns and investor returns. Carl Richard’s book The Behavior Gap is a must read imo.From the Book: “It’s clear that buying even an average mutual fund and holding on to it for a long time has been a pretty decent strategy. But real people don’t invest that way. We trade. We watch CNBC and listen to Jim Cramer yell. We buy what’s up and sell what’s down. In other words, we do exactly what we all know we shouldn’t do.”
When you see the S&P 500 up 9.5% per year, you’d think that’s the return investors get. But it’s not. On average, investors have returned 3.6% in stocks vs the 9.5% average for the market because they constantly trade in and out based on their feelings/emotions.
That behavior chips away at your performance which really adds up over time.
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Portfolio Update
Start Date: February 15, 2022
Contributions: $132,604
Current Value: $114,366
All-time performance: -$18,728
Last week’s performance: -$6,819
Transactions last week: 0
Current Industry Allocations:
25% EV, Space, & Advanced Manufacturing
TSLA -2.73%↓ RKLB -0.85%↓ TSM -0.22%↓
19% Advertising
META -1.18%↓
18% Cloud Services & Security
NET -5.83%↓ DDOG -5.75%↓ CRWD -4.77%↓
15% eCommerce
SHOP -4.44%↓ MELI 1.58%↑
13% Data Cloud & Database Platform
SNOW -3.57%↓ MDB -4.97%↓
5% DevOps
GTLB -5.70%↓
5% SMB Finance Operations
BILL -4.90%↓
Position Sizes & Total Return:
Portfolio Company News:
NET 0.00%↑ Cloudflare’s “Workers Launchpad” Funding Program Grows to $2 Billion, Announces First Cohort of Startups
SHOP 0.00%↑ Balance Launches Shopify Integration to Provide Self-Serve Payments to US B2B Merchants
CRWD 0.00%↑ CrowdStrike Named a Leader in Frost & Sullivan’s 2022 Frost Radar: Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform
MDB 0.00%↑ MongoDB University Launches New Curriculum to Fuel Developer Ecosystem and Close the Growing Tech Skills Gap
RKLB 0.00%↑ Rocket Lab-launched CAPSTONE Spacecraft Enters Lunar Orbit
Current Portfolio Multiples, Forward Revenue Growth, and Profitability metrics
Upcoming Earnings
A lot of effort and research goes into these portfolio updates so if you find them insightful, please help me out by clicking the heart and sharing this article.
I am not a Financial Advisor and nothing I share should be taken as financial advice. This newsletter is for informational purposes only. Investing is inherently risky and the risks could include complete loss of invested capital and/or more if someone uses margin. Austin Lieberman is not liable or responsible for any financial loss incurred by anyone. The views shared here are my own.
Wow this is the first time I am experiencing the Substack Mention feature, love it! Great commentary Austin.