Hey everyone,
Hope you had a great week. First. I hope it’s clear I share these numbers for transparency and maybe some inspiration. Investing and finance in general is not a comparison. That’s easy to say and I’m sure internally we all compare ourselves to others based on money to some extent.
Anyways, just want to be clear that I realize everyone is in a different place financially. I invest to eventually have freedom over how my wife and I spend our time and to hopefully make a positive impact on the lives of others.
Today’s email is a bit different. I want to share a “Tweetstorm” of some options gambles I recently took. They ended up working out, but my conclusion is that it was extremely careless, stressful, and just not how I want to invest or encourage others to invest. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t mess with options unless you are 1000% comfortable with them.
You should be able to click on any of the Tweets and they’ll bring you to the actual Tweet on Twitter (that was a tongue twister). Or…just read them here.
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Wrap it up already Austin
That’s all for this week. As always, thank you for your time and attention. I would love your feedback on these updates. Are they too long and what else would you like me to talk about? Email or comment and let me know.
Also, if you want to support the newsletter, please like (hit the heart above it helps people find us!), share with friends, or change to a $5/month or $50/year “subscription” which includes the exact same content you are currently reading for free.