Long Term Positions in WORK and CRWD and More Risky Options Bets on ALGN and NOW
Hope you don’t mind this inbox spam… but in the name of transparency, here’s what I’ve done today.
I closed those two risky options bets on SNAP and IRBT for about a 50% gain total in 24hrs.
I started two small positions (less than 1%) in Slack and Crowdstrike. I like these companies long term and I’ll continue to watch their businesses.

And I made some more risky options bets with the proceeds from my previous options gambles. Remember these are risky gambles and I have no idea what will happen. I’m basically guessing these companies will move 5% or more (either up or down)
These bets are not required for building long term wealth and are probably not worth the risk or time…. but for whatever reason, I’m doing them so I’m sharing.
Up first, ALGN. I paid $27.90 for $275 strike Puts and Calls(bought Calls and bought Puts). This becomes profitable if Align is over $302.90 or under $247.20 before this Friday when the options contact expires.

And for NOW. Same deal, bought $290 strike Puts and Calls for $18.30 so it needs to be above $308.30 or below $271.30 to be profitable.

Make your own decisions with these. Don’t ever make an investment just because someone else does. I’m not responsible for any losses you might have but I am responsible for any gains and I’ll take 50% please. Just kidding.
Have a great day. Have fun. And tune in next time to see if I’m crying or eating steak dinner.