Sorry, that snazzy title is my sarcastic sense of humor kicking in.
But really, here is a list of resources I use that I believe bring value to my investing and life. I’ll build this out and update readers over time.

Top 10 Overall:
1. My health. Without health all the money in the world is pointless. Health comes first because it’s the easiest thing to neglect (and family) when we’re focused on work or investing. I workout mostly at home. It’s not the most effective. There are tons of interruptions from kids and limitations on exercises due to space/equipment. But we do it as a family and it’s as blast. I don’t meditate, but incorporating fitness into my day puts me in a great state of mind to stay disciplined and make good decisions.
TRX Suspension Training System - $150 This is an affiliate link so if you purchase it I will get a small commission. It does not cost you any extra. These are arguably overpriced but I travel a lot and love the portability and flexibility these offer. Very easy to get a full-body functional workout in outside, in a hotel room, or wherever.
Black Swan Yoga Online - $80/yr for very high-quality yoga videos from several instructors. They have in person classes in Austin, TX as well.
2. Motley Fool Stock Advisor (paid) - This is how I learned to start investing in individual companies. The service provides two stock recommendations each month. One from Tom Gardner and one David Gardner. They each have a team of analysts to help support them and each month the teams provide a great write up about each company. The education about business is worth the subscription price alone. Rule Breakers is another Motley Fool service I subscribe to. I recommend starting with Stock Advisor, but I like both now that I’m comfortable because they offer different styles and ideas.
3. Rule Breaker Investing Podcast with David Gardner (free) - I can’t believe this podcast is free. David is one of the best investors of our generation. He shares all kinds of investment and non-investment insight on the podcast. I’m continually amazed by his creativity and optimism. I’ve listened to every single episode.
* A note on the Motley Fool. I absolutely love Stock Advisor, Rule Breakers, their podcasts, and forums. But I absolutely cannot stand their marketing. You can opt out of their marketing emails which is what I do. I thought the Motley Fool was a scam based off of their marketing emails… it feels like two entirely different organizations. I stay because the services highlighted above are phenomenal.
4. Company Investor Relations (IR) Pages & Earnings Call Transcripts - No link for this, but if you google “[company name] Investor Relations” you will find the company’s investor relations page.
Here are the things I pay attention to on IR pages:
Recent Press Releases - analyst days, product announcements, acquisitions, earnings dates
Presentations & Quarterly Reports - Investor presentations and earnings releases
Calendar of Events or Media - Replays of earnings calls, replays of other conferences, etc.
Earnings call transcripts - The Motley Fool offers free transcripts that are generally available within 24 hours of earnings calls for most companies I follow. Here’s an example of what I google to find them. “Motley Fool The Trade Desk First Quarter 2019 Earnings Call Transcript”.
5. Motley Fool forums (free and paid which come with a subscription to Stock Advisor or Rule Breakers). You can find good and bad forums at The Fool. Spend some time searching and find forums that interest you, then get involved!
6. Social Media and Podcasts - I invest exclusively in founder-led companies because I believe founders are more passionate about the success of their company and their people than non-founders. I’m not saying this is always the case, but it’s a great place to start. Then I dig deeper and get to know company cultures and the management team better. I use Twitter to follow the exec team and company profiles for each of my investments.
Here are examples from Alteryx to get you started. Many founder-led companies have very active Twitter accounts. I find their execs by looking at their executive team on their Investor Relations site.
Alteryx Twitter | Dean Stoecker (co-founder & CEO) | Alter Everything Podcast
People (and podcasts) I follow on Twitter
Note: I follow a wide-variety of people with ranging backgrounds and beliefs. My goal is to use Twitter to read and learn widely, not just confirm what I already think. Here are a few I consider must follows. I follow and read many many more people than this, but that list would be way too long.
David Gardner - Top 3 personal favorite investors of all time…maybe #1
Collaborative Fund & Morgan Housel - A team that created a fund that looks to invest in people and ideas that are better for the world and will make a great return. Morgan is probably my favorite financial/history writer of all time.
a16z & a16z podcast - venture capital firm (maybe technically a different structure now) that focuses on software and tech investing. Great insights and a lot of great free content.
Patrick O’Shaughnessy & Invest Like the Best Podcast - CEO of O’Shaughnessy Asset Management. Patrick is one of the most thoughtful podcast hosts around. I am amazed by the breadth of topics and guests he has.
Patrick also has a really awesome book club covering a wide variety of topics. What I love more than the specific books he recommends is his passion and style of reading. Here’s a Tweet storm from him discussing this with a link to his book club.
7. Farnam Street Blog & The Knowledge Project Podcast - this is a blog and podcast by Shane Parrish focused on decision making. He produces very high-quality content focused on what matters, not the headline of the day. He also has something called the Learning Community which gives a deeper level of access for people who pay $149/year. I subscribe to this, but I recommend taking some time to get to know Shane through his podcast and blog first.
8. Wired Magazine - like anything, there’s a lot of click-baity headlines on Wired. They have a free version, but I pay $10 a year for access to their “Wired Insider” articles and have a Wired Magazine mailed to me once a month. I skim Wired a couple times a week to help me stay aware of what’s new in tech. There are some really moving articles from time to time like the second one listed below.
9. Kindle and Audible Books - I’m busy, but I still try to spend time reading and listening to audiobooks. Sometimes I’ll buy a kindle version and audible version of the same book. Not the most price effective, but I enjoy it.
Kindle Paperwhite Waterproof - affiliate link. I bought one of these this year and switched from reading Kindle books on my iPad. This is a much more enjoyable experience with less distractions. It’s also easier on my eyes and better to read at night before bed.
Book Idea #1 - When Breath Becomes Air - affiliate link. It’s really easy to take life and time for granted. This book is an eye opener and made me want to spend my time wisely. I really enjoyed this as an audible book.
Book Idea #2 - The Inevitable: Understand the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future - affiliate link. This is by Kevin Kelly. I have no idea how many of these ideas will come true, but I love the creativity and innovation this book inspires.
10. Evernote - I use Evernote to take notes, save links, save entire articles on webpages with one click, etc. Certainly not required, but it makes everything from to-do lists to note taking very easy and accessible. is a newer and more advanced app that can do much of what Evernote does, but it’s a bit more complicated. Both have a free and paid version available.
I’d love to know if you enjoy posts like this or if you’re sick of getting resource lists from everyone…I understand that feeling.
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